Madame Alexander Fan Girls Dolls: Black Widow Review

Madame Alexander Fan Girls Black Widow & Captain America
One of the more recent additions to the doll collecting world is a relatively new collection from the prestigious Madame Alexander doll company. As mentioned in Part one of this series on the Fan Girls Dolls, the new MA dolls pay tribute to some of Marvel Comics most beloved heroes. In Part II and III, we will take a closer look at two of the dolls: the Black Widow and Captain America Fan Girls.

Black Widow Fan Girl Review

The Black Widow Fan Girls doll would be a great witch for Halloween with her stark black gown with its dramatic collar and spider-themed hat. Her red hair looked pretty enough, but it was tied onto the doll's dress. In fact, all these dolls suffer from being severely tied to their plastic cases with arms, legs, clothing and shoes all tied overly securely to the boxes, so much so that they are difficult and time consuming to remove.

Black Widow Fan Girls doll from Madame Alexander

Once removed Black Widow's hair was sticky to the point of being crisp at the ends, but when her hair was loosened and the sticky substance removed (which I was able to do by carefully combing it), her hair sprang to life and was quite lovely.

Her severe gown is well made and tagged and was much improved simply by lowering the collar and letting it drape around her shoulders. In fact, once her frightful cap was removed, her hair loosened, and her collar draped, she reminded me more of the vintage Barbie Solo in the Spotlight than a Halloween witch.
Black Widow Fan Girls--closeup of shoes and hose

One of the least attractive features of the Black Widow Fan Girls doll is her strange platform pumps with no heels. These impractical shoes are klunky and do not allow the doll to stand on her own. Fortunately, her long dress hides them. She does have hose, which gives her a finished look as well as protecting her from the black fabric which has a tendency to stain dolls over time.

The doll boasts rooted lashes, nice features, big green eyes, luxurious hair, and is ball jointed at the wrists, elbows and knees, with great movement at the hips, shoulder and neck. The Fan Girls have no waist movement.

All in all, Black Widow lives up to Madame Alexander's reputation for quality craftsmanship, especially for a play line doll. I would give this Fan Girls doll 4 1/2 stars out of 5, with 1/2 point deducted simply for my personal preferences.  *****.

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