Moxie Teenz Dolls Get Ready for Flag Day & the 4th of July


Memorial Day weekend is a serious occasion to remember those who have fallen in battle defending our country and the values upon which it was founded. The Moxie Teenz pulled out their patriotic attire and proudly displayed their American flags in honor of Memorial Day.

When the weekend was over, the girls decided to keep their outfits handy because in a couple of weeks, Flag Day will be here, and in a month, the 4th of July will take place. 

Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. What a great time to wear red, white and blue!

The wonderfully patriotic holiday on July 4 celebrates the birth of our Republic. It also honors the wisdom and faith of our Founding Fathers who set our country on the path to freedom through the Declaration of Independence

It is no wonder the Moxie Teenz girls, Melrose and Tristan, love wearing their red, white and blue stars and stripes on Memorial Day, Flag Day, and the 4th of July. Melrose has even found a red, white and blue hair piece to wear. 

Of course, their are more serious ways to celebrate such important patriotic holidays, but there is something to be said for wearing red, white and blue to show your colors on Memorial Day, Flag Day and July 4.

Both dolls are wearing wigs from the Snapstar dolls collection. Melrose wears her original top and boots, and a home-made skirt. Tristan is wearing a polo from a forgotten boy band doll and a home-made skirt.

Happy Flag Day and 4th of July from the Moxie Teenz Dolls!

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