Easter Chelsea dolls fill a gap in the Barbie line in 2011, on sale at Target

Easter Chelsea dolls fill a gap in the Barbie line in 2011, on sale at Target

While hunting the aisles of Krogers and Walmart in the Bellevue area yielded little in the way of Easter Barbie dolls this year, a trip to Target at Nashville West presented a pleasant surprise. New this year are three cute little dolls named Chelsea, a little older than Kelly and the same age as the So In Style younger siblings.

Details at Easter Chelsea dolls fill a gap in the Barbie line in 2011, on sale at Target - Nashville Doll Collecting Examiner

 Barbie Easter DollBarbie Easter Pretty 2009 DollBarbie Kelly Easter Sweetie Miranda Doll with Red Hair


  1. Hi I stumbled upon your blog from google. I am christmas shopping for a little girl who has kelly clothes but is asking for another kelly doll. I can't seem to find one anywhere...only chelsea. is chelsea replacing kelly? Are they the same size?


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