More Thanksgiving dolls & Pilgrim figurines make colorful Thanksgiving doll displays (with sideshow)

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Thanksgiving is almost here!Looking at the colorful figurines above, it is hard to believe that Pilgrims are often depicted in modern culture as dour and overly pious people with long faces and drab black outfits. However, these early colonists who came to America to escape religious persecution wore bright colors: including reds, yellows, purples and greens as well as black and grey. Such colorful garments and the associated hats, aprons,collars and caps make Pilgrim dolls and figurines a charming accent for Thanksgiving decorating.
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American Stories Collection: Pilgrim Barbie Special EditionAmerican Family of the Pilgrim Period Paper DollsPilgrim Outfit. COMPLETE Outfit with Shoes. Fits 18" Dolls like American Girl®Simplicity 7350 Crafts Sewing Pattern Pilgrim Scarecrow Dolls Clothes Pumpkin


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