Minecraft Figures Travel Through Oklahoma

Minecraft Characters Steve and Alex Travel Through Oklahoma Minecraft's Steve and Alex figures have decided to go on a road trip through Oklahoma where they have had many adventures. They recently camped by a picturesque stream where they met a friendly villager. A Creeper and Slime crossed the stream on a log and tried to sneak up on them, but Steven beat them off with a stick. The villager offered to act as their guide and escort them down the river, so they packed his anvil in their minecart and journeyed on. Downstream they found a clearing surrounding an iron reduction spot where they quickly built a stone wall to protect them. Sure, enough, the Slime and the Creeper had been following them, but their stone wall protected them from danger. Alex was fascinated by the iron reduction circles having never seen them before she got to Oklahoma. She and Steven decided to gather some to take back home with them, so Steve picked some up, and they loaded up the mineca...