Annie by Kiddiefun a Cute Irish Lass

For St. Patrick’s Day and Irish Heritage Month, here is Annie from Kiddiefun. I found Annie, the Irish Babe, in a thrift store and had never heard of her before. However, the luck of the Irish kept her tag attached, so I found enough facts to do a little research Annie is a soft cloth doll made by Kiddiefun in 2004. Kiddiefun produced a variety of Irish souvenirs, especially a brand of plush toys, specifically sheep and bears, often associated with St. Patrick's Day and Irish themes, that were made in Dublin, Ireland. Kiddiefun closed its doors in 2019. Annie has a plush body with medium orange “red” hair pulled back into two ponytails, an embroidered face with green eyes and a wide smile. She wears a kelly green crop top, cut modestly long with a shamrock and “Irish Babe” embroidered on the front. Her kelly green and white skirt is a shamrock print. She wears green and white leggings and bright red tennis shoes. Research shows the Kiddiefun dolls and toys...